Month: January 2016

Taming the Experience Editor: Customizing Placeholders

One of the (many) key differentiating factors that sets Sitecore apart from many other CMS platforms is the Experience Editor.  The Experience Editor is Sitecore’s WYSIWYG editor, providing content authors the opportunity to edit content within the context of the page, layout the page, etc…  It’s quite a powerful tool.  All that being said, however, there is always room for…

Handling Sprites in Sitecore with SVG

Sprites, as defined by wikipedia: To reduce the number of requests the browser makes to the server, some web designers combine numerous small images or icons into a larger image called a sprite sheet or tile set.[27] CSS is used to select the parts of the composite image to display at different points in the page. Rendering relatively static imagery on…

Fix unstyled Sitecore console pages

As I was setting up my development environment on a new, fresh Windows 10 install, I ran into a problem that I’d hit before but couldn’t remember how I’d fixed it. In an effort to overcome the no-really-I’ll-remember-what-I-did-to-fix-it-this-time problem, I figured I would document it here and potentially help someone else along the way. I installed a clean Sitecore 8.1…

3 months of Sitecore Blogging in 2015

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2015 annual report for this blog. Here’s an excerpt: A San Francisco cable car holds 60 people. This blog was viewed about 1,100 times in 2015. If it were a cable car, it would take about 18 trips to carry that many people. Click here to see the complete report.