Month: October 2017

xConnect: Searching for Contacts in Sitecore 9

In previous posts, xConnect was introduced, Contacts were added to xDB and a custom model was deployed. But what about searching for existing contacts? Let’s take a look at a couple of examples! Searching for Multiple Contacts In this example, we’re going to search for any Contacts who have had Interactions recorded in the past 30 days. One particular call…

xConnect: Adding custom facets in Sitecore 9

The default collection model in xDB comes with many of the fields you would normally need for storing information about a visitor, but there are almost always those special cases where you need to store something very specific to your business that doesn’t come out of the box. As with previous versions of xDB, the collection model is very flexible…

xConnect: Creating Contacts in Sitecore 9

As discussed in the previous post, the schema for the collection model in xDB changed from earlier versions, making it simpler and more flexible for different types of interactions. Also, the way you connect to xDB to search, add or retrieve data has changed. Now, everything goes through the XConnectClient. Initializing the XConnectClient In this example, I will be creating…

xConnect: Adding interactions in Sitecore 9

Over the course of the last few posts, we’ve done lots of things with xDB using xConnect! But one thing that hasn’t been covered so far is adding an Interaction to a Contact. Adding an Interaction Let’s take an example of a customer entering your store and purchasing a product. Here’s how you could register that Outcome event in an…

Introducing xConnect for Sitecore 9

The Experience Database in Sitecore is one of the platforms most differentiating features over its competitors in the Web Content Management System space.  It stores all analytics and interaction data for users across all of your digital properties, whether those users are known or anonymous. From the documentation: The Sitecore Experience Database (xDB) collects all your customer interactions from all…